Cuti News
Equity in TI - Meet Valentina Tortarolo
En el marco de la campaña «Equidad en TI: Acortando la brecha», te invitamos a conocer a diferentes mujeres de la Industria TI y a descubrir cómo es un día en el rol que desempeñan.
IT Equity: Bridging the Gap
A campaign born from Cuti's Gender Equality Committee to reaffirm the commitment to an industry without gender gaps.
Learn more about Cuti's e-Invoice table
It was formed in 2019 and is currently made up of more than 30 Chamber member companies.
IT & Agro Meeting
The Mesa AgriTech and Fucrea held a joint workshop.
Uruguay Tecnológico: Cuti's proposal to the President
The Uruguayan Chamber of Information Technology spoke with President Luis Lacalle Pou and presented a series of proposals to position Uruguay as a technological country.
Cuti and Advice held 1st Focus Group
The three dimensions of analysis were: remote work, cybersecurity and the containment of people.
Cuti presented Initiative 5_25 to OPP
Positioning Uruguay abroad, attracting investment and skilled professionals and the digitalization of the state were some of the topics discussed at the meeting.
Uruguay Tecnológico: Cuti's proposal to the President of the Republic
The Uruguayan Chamber of Information Technology spoke with President Luis Lacalle Pou and presented a series of proposals to position Uruguay as a technological country.
Cuti, CODICEN, UTU and CES analyze educational proposal from the perspective of technology
The meeting prioritized the importance of updating and strengthening the educational proposal at all levels considering the requirements of today's world.
New Cycle of Cuti Webinars #DesdeCasa
In August a new Webinar Series #DesdeCasa is coming.
Cycle of Webinars - Special on CyberSecurity
We are convinced that technology is a great ally, especially when it comes to security issues.
Leonardo Loureiro: candidate for re-election for Cuti's presidency
Get to know his management proposal for the 2020-2022 period.