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Equity in TI - Meet Valentina Tortarolo

Equity in TI - Meet Valentina Tortarolo

En el marco de la campaña «Equidad en TI: Acortando la brecha», te invitamos a conocer a diferentes mujeres de la Industria TI y a descubrir cómo es un día en el rol que desempeñan.

IT Equity: Bridging the Gap

IT Equity: Bridging the Gap

A campaign born from Cuti's Gender Equality Committee to reaffirm the commitment to an industry without gender gaps.

Cuti presented Initiative 5_25 to OPP

Cuti presented Initiative 5_25 to OPP

Positioning Uruguay abroad, attracting investment and skilled professionals and the digitalization of the state were some of the topics discussed at the meeting.