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Join Techy for Virtual Day! Edition 2021


We invite our partner companies to open their doors virtually and participate in a special day, show them today what they will be able to do tomorrow!
Tiempo de lectura: < 1 minuto

Once again, we join the annual celebration of the World Girls in ICT Day, another occasion to raise awareness and encourage girls to consider their future in technology.

We consider it extremely important to celebrate this day and therefore we propose that on Thursday 22nd April you join us in a new edition of #Techyxeldia, andopen your doors virtually to all those teenagers and young people who are at the age of choosing their profession or who want to know what technology companies do.


Why be part of the virtual Techyxeldia?

It is an important activity for girls from all over the country to learn first-hand about the possibilities they have to develop professionally in this industry and, when the time comes, choose to do so.

The virtualTechyxeldia seeks to take advantage of the tools available to carry out this enriching activity, which allows the company to contribute to this important challenge and get a fresh look at those who in the future may be part of their work teams.


What is expected of the participating partner company?

The participating company will be responsible for:
  • Contact the group of girls who are interested in sharing a virtual moment with you.
  • The planning and development of the activities during the webinar.
  • Establish the platform, schedules and quota for the webinar.


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