Partner News
IBM introduces its Chatbots
IBM conducted a demonstration for journalists on how chatbots work.
Security Advisor gives us 10 security tips for this Holiday Season
Security Advisor provides recommendations to keep users' information protected on the eve of this special holiday season.
Security Advisor celebrates its first 15 years in the region
Security Advisor, Uruguayan company with exclusive focus on information security solutions, with offices in Argentina, Chile and Uruguay, celebrated its 15 years of trajectory.
Survey of knowledge-intensive industrial application services
The CEI is developing a portal that will allow companies to search for information to solve a problem or enhance an improvement.
Quanam successfully implements Odoo-based solutions
Quanam provides a complete management system solution implemented on top of odoo.
Launch of ISA Paraguay
With more than 8 years working for important companies in Paraguay, last November 3rd ISA redoubled its efforts with the launching of ISA Paraguay, as a consolidated company with offices in Asuncion.
Online payments, the challenge of Uruguayan e-commerce
Without the necessary certifications, stores must refer their customers to the seals' sites, which makes it difficult for e-commerce to take off.
Logicalis named Cisco Partner of the Year in all Latin American regions
The company received awards in 13 categories during the Cisco Partner Summit 2016 event. The South region was highlighted as 'Partner of the Year' and 'Solution Innovation Partner of the Year', among others.
15,000 producers benefit from new MGAP application
The MGAP, through the National Livestock Information System (SNIG), launched a mobile App for livestock producers users of the system.
Develop your app in PHP with KikApp
The tool is currently in "Beta" stage and is available for download and use.
Breakfast with Cuti
The Cuti Cycle continues, where we invite our members to share a different morning.
Experiences of entrepreneurs on a Saturday morning
The third edition of Movistar Move began with a day of five Uruguayan women entrepreneurs' stories, which sought to inspire them to overcome challenges and take advantage of opportunities.