UTEC increased its student body from 44 to 1,400 students in four years
The diversification of careers and the consolidation of the institution also led to a decrease in the average age of students.
Celebrating International Day of Girls in ICTs
On the occasion of Girls in ICT Day, the MEC, the MIEM and the MIDES will celebrate a series of activities on Thursday 26th, starting at 09:30 at Casa INJU (Av. 18 de julio 1865).
Technological University doubled student enrollment
"More than a university tertiary educational institution, UTEC is an agent of territorial and local development," said councillor Rodolfo Silveira.
Uruguay compared to Silicon Valley for its high technological activity
A report published on the internet platform Medium concludes that Uruguay is the Silicon Valley of South America, due to its high activity in the development of the information technology (IT) industry.
Quanam receives European Data Hero Award
Quanam won first place in the Data Scientist category for the project carried out together with Genlives, awarded by Hortonworks in Germany.
Uruguay «es el Silicon Valley de Sudamérica»
Uruguay «logró proezas tecnológicas que parecen estadísticamente imposibles para un país de su tamaño» y «descubrió que la tecnología es su ADN».
The Technological University began teleworking workshops
Senator Carol Aviaga recalled the legacy of Alvaro Lamé, who was the driving force of telework in our country.
Cosse: "The key to success will be in how digital technology is integrated".
«Para cambiar la industria tradicional»
Reforms to reduce the digital divide in the region
The IDB proposes measures to, among others, modernize the legal framework.
For more women in technology
Cuti joins the celebration of Girls in ICT on April 26th to encourage more girls to consider their professional future in this area.
Agesic to be satellite location at GC Blockchain Codefest
The "GC Blockchain Codefest", organized by the Government of Canada, will be held from April 17 to 23.
Chambers say there is growth without jobs and investment
They will define in assembly a unique criterion to face the salary negotiations.