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More than 60,000 people have already downloaded State apps


Users consult prices of products and protest for lack of energy.
Reading time: 3 minutes

The governmental, communal and state company applications had more than 60,000 downloads on Uruguayan cell phones. Users seek to avoid phone calls and go to public offices.


In June last year, Preciosgub was launched. The service allows you to know the prices of products in supermarkets and compare where they are cheaper. There are 150 products available and more than 400 stores across the country.


One of the app's functions is to report incidents. Rafael La Buonara, coordinator of the app, told El País that the intention of the service is for users to report in case a product from a store appears in the app but is not in the mall.


Igualmente, los usuarios hacen denuncias de todo tipo. «La aplicación se transformó en una ventana abierta para hacer denuncias», comentó La Buonara. Uno de los reclamos principales es por productos en los que no aparece el precio. En ese caso, se envía al supermercado un grupo de inspectores que, dependiendo de la gravedad del hecho, puede abrir un expediente al comercio en cuestión.


Al mismo tiempo, muchos usuarios afirman que hay precios que son «un robo». En ese caso, se les aclara que «no es ilegal» fijar precios altos y que los comercios pueden decidir libremente. «Esto forma parte de la mayor parte de los reclamos», agregó La Buonara.


Cuando la aplicación se lanzó, hace seis meses, tuvo la mayor cantidad de descargas. Hoy, con 5.500 usuarios que la utilizan con frecuencia, el volumen de descargas «se ha estancado». Por este motivo, a fines de diciembre sumaron cadenas de farmacias que permiten conocer productos de limpieza que antes no estaban incluidos. Este año sumarán nuevas funciones para estimular su uso.


Energy App.

The state app with the highest volume of downloads is that of UTE. With more than 55,000 users, customers carried out more than 245,000 procedures in the second half of 2016.


The one that is most used is the consultation and payment of debt, which represents 50% of the queries that users make through the application.


31% is the consultation and sending of the invoice, which guarantees the user to have a copy in their email.


The remaining 19% are customer complaints about lack of energy, requests to update personal information due to a change of address or change of account holder and requests to report the meter reading, because in many cases the UTE official went by the house and there were no people there. According to the state-owned company, they want to promote this function more in 2017.


Montevideo and the East.

At the departmental level, the Municipality of Montevideo has an application that allows users to make complaints about the capital's transport system. The service, available since July 2016, asks the user to attach a photo of the ticket and explain the reasons for the complaint.


In turn, the municipality is beginning to channel more and more complaints through the social network Twitter. At the level of urban mobility, for example, the Municipality uses the account @imtransito, in which users transfer their complaints that, in general, are answered.


Además, está el sitio web, a través del cual los usuarios pueden enviar reportes sobre «daños, desperfectos, vandalismo y otros problemas» de la ciudad. A través de un convenio, la información que se acumula en esta plataforma se envía al Sistema Único de Reclamos de la comuna.


Users can report problems with trees, storm drains, sweeping, trash, debris, fairgrounds, planting and dumpsters.


In Maldonado they seek to improve in the same direction. As El País reported in yesterday's edition, the Municipality will allow its citizens in the coming days to make complaints about problems in the garbage containers through an application. The service, which will be available in the coming days, allows you to attach an image of the container that will then be sent to the concessionaire of waste collection services.


After one hour after the neighbor made the complaint, the concessionaire will have a period of 48 hours to solve the problem. If it does not do so, the commune may apply sanctions.


The app is part of a control and monitoring system that was developed between municipal technicians and members of the firm that works with the municipality.


Cutcsa qualifies.

Desde esta semana, los usuarios de Cutcsa podrán calificar los viajes gracias a un chat online que dispuso la empresa en su aplicación móvil. El servicio, que tiene más de 100.000 usuarios, pide a los pasajeros poner su nombre, correo electrónico, teléfono y el mensaje. Y promete responder «a la brevedad».


«La gente quiere más agilidad. En lugar de agarrar un teléfono, quiere comunicarse en el momento, si está arriba del ómnibus. No es solo para hacer una denuncia, también para hacer sugerencias», comentó el presidente de Cutcsa, Juan Salgado, al programa En Perspectiva el lunes pasado.


Source: El País
