The user experience is a differential that can determine the future of a business, and in the case of online stores, its success is not only measured in the digital, but also at the time of delivering a product, when the store becomes present and ceases to be virtual.
Taking this challenge as a focus, the Chamber of the Digital Economy of Uruguay (CEDU) held the first meeting of the 2018 cycle of talks "Meetups", entitled "How do I deliver what I sold? Experiences of those who do e-Commerce".
Gabriel Cassese, Divino's Logistics Manager and Cecilia Arias, woOw! Logistics Manager, shared their perspectives on the subject, in a free meeting open to the public, which took place at the Pyxis offices, company that sponsored the meeting together with Fenicio and Digital World.
From his experience, Cassese focused on two objectives that are central to Divino, "that the delivery is at a reasonable cost and that it takes into account the needs of the customer". In this sense, he stressed that efforts should always tend to balance these elements.
"Waiting to load a whole truck is certainly profitable, but the customer values speed, so I have to find a way to compensate for that," he said. Cassese explained that the key to a successful experience is to incorporate varied distribution channels that fit the characteristics of the product and the site where it is to be delivered.
"Adjusting the mix of channels is an essential practice for e-Commerce, because it works considering the cost efficiency for the company and covering the speed that the customer is looking for," he argued.
Meanwhile, Arias, who is in charge of logistics for Uruguay's largest online store, emphasized the importance of suppliers in the supply chain. "Four out of 10 Uruguayans have shopped online at some point. Our challenge is to increase that number and for that we have to make sure that the customer receives the product successfully," he reflected.
Based on woOw!'s logistics strategy, which gives customers the option of picking up products at the store or receiving them from the comfort of home, Arias explained that it's critical to have enough stock to meet demand.
To achieve this goal, he stressed the importance of the link with suppliers. "They are the ones who supply us, and who ensure that we can offer a high level of service to each customer, from the moment they enter the website until they receive what they bought," he concluded.