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What is a Digital Twin? Advantages of applying it to any business

What is a Digital Twin? Advantages of applying it to any business

Digital Twin is the ultimate representation of the next technological leap: the union of the physical world with intelligent virtual models, which are even considered pioneers in what we know as the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Born from the concept of...

How to invest in Cybersecurity and save at the same time?

How to invest in Cybersecurity and save at the same time?

There are several alternatives in how to comply with cybersecurity requirements, as not all organizations have the obligation, need or ability to consider the responsibilities and operations related to cybersecurity, as well as the...

How to be sure the person is who they say they are

How to be sure the person is who they say they are

The increase in cyber attacks coupled with people's insecure behaviors, such as the use of weak and equal passwords in several services such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google and Apple, for example, make it necessary to use authentication methods...

5 important steps to organize business processes

5 important steps to organize business processes

For that, it is possible to invest in several tools, such as: the construction of flow charts, internal communication (IC) and business management systems. With these and other changes it will be possible to see a big difference in the performance indicators ....

World Cup 2018: Digital threats in Russia

World Cup 2018: Digital threats in Russia

In the midst of the 2018 World Cup, Russia's Minister of Economic Development, Maxim Oreshkin, estimates that more than half a million tourists will spend around 1.6 billion dollars during the 30-day event. As part of...

What the World Cup of the Future would look like

What the World Cup of the Future would look like

The FIFA World Cup is always an event that puts the host country to the test in terms of security and logistics for the millions of fans who travel from all over the world to enjoy a unique sporting event. But not only in terms of...

Towards equity: science, technology, engineering, and mathematics

Towards equity: science, technology, engineering, and mathematics

This working group is coordinated by the Gender Advisory Office of the Office of Planning and Budget and was formed the same year within the framework of the SAGA-UNESCO International Project. In this Women's Month, dedicated to promoting equal opportunities in the field of gender equality, the...

Myths and Truths about Mobile Biometric Authentication

Myths and Truths about Mobile Biometric Authentication

It is a reality that, in these times, our face, voice and fingerprints are becoming stellar factors in the care of the citizen's identity. Whether through the local readers of each device or through independent software of the system, our face, voice and fingerprints are...