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New professional program in Data Science


In recent years, CPAP has worked on the generation of new updating and postgraduate courses for existing programs, and on the proposal of new postgraduate degrees and courses.
Tiempo de lectura: < 1 minuto

An example of this is the Specialization Diploma and the Professional Master's Degree in Data Science, which are in the pipeline and which, starting next semester, will offer a range of courses in this area.


Some of the courses planned are:


  • Statistical learning techniques
  • Introduction to statistics using software
  • Data quality and integration
  • Scientific visualization
  • Applied Machine Learning
  • Computational multivariate statistics
  • Text analysis
  • Network data analysis
  • Non-relational data modeling and processing
  • Long memory time series statistics
  • Information retrieval and recommendations on the Web
  • Datamining and decision making
  • Online analytical processing in big data
  • Metaheuristics and Network Optimization
  • Fundamentals of Urban Informatics: Data Analysis and Processing


Covering the thematic areas of: Machine Learning, Probability and Statistics, Modeling and Processing of Big Data and Advanced Data Analysis Techniques, which will allow professionals interested in the area to generate expertise.


Inquiries: It is possible to consult about new courses and postgraduate courses at the CPAP Secretariat or by phone: 2711-4244 ext. 1102.



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