The Universidad Tecnológica (UTEC) has opened pre-enrolment for 11 degree courses in Colonia, Durazno, Paysandú, Río Negro, Rivera and Soriano from Wednesday until 29 December. The courses will start in March 2018.
Según explicó a El Observador el director académico, Amadeo Sosa Santillán, «la idea es formar para el trabajo del mañana, no redundar en las carreras que ya existen», porque lo que buscan es agregar las que faltan y no competir con las que ya están.
At the same time, he assured that since 2014, when the first courses began to be taught, the demand has been increasing. There are currently around 800 students, but by 2020, around 2,000 are expected.
Alumnos de «79 localidades del interior van a estudiar a centros de UTEC. Este es un logro interesante, ya que se comenzó una lógica inversa en cuanto a la educación, ya que antes tenías que ir para Montevideo para poder estudiar un nivel universitario y esto, de a poco, va cambiando», afirmó el director académico.
The degree courses available in Colonia are in Food Analysis in Paysandú, Dairy Science and Technology and Dairy Production Systems Management.
Mechatronics Engineering in Río Negro, Jazz and Creative Music Technologist in Soriano; Logistics Engineering in Rivera and Fray Bentos, Information Technology Technician in Río Negro, Biomedical Engineering Technologist in Fray Bentos; Renewable Energy Engineering and Irrigation, Drainage and Effluent Management Systems Engineering in Durazno, and Industrial Mechatronics Technologist in Rivera.
Sosa informed that the careers correspond to the needs that are arising to specialise according to the development of the productive sector. There are three zones (north, centre-south and south-west) in each of which there is a Regional Technological Institute that manages the region's activities.
Los interesados pueden preinscribirse en línea completando un formulario. hasta el momento van unos 80 alumnos registrados. En el caso de que se superen los cupos estipulados para cada carrera «se procederá a un sorteo ante escribano público el 21 de febrero de 2018», señala un comunicado emitido por la UTEC.
The most in-demand degree programme in recent years has been Information Technology, followed by Logistics Engineering, explained Sosa, adding that they are working on the possibility of an agreement with foreign universities so that postgraduate courses can be based in Fray Bentos.
Source: The Observer