WORK TABLEThe low level of corruption and the confidence of Uruguay at a global level give the industry the opportunity to be identified as a reference pole in this area, being able to expand abroad offering technical assistance and work in the area.
Based on this context, this working group is proposed as a collaborative space oriented to the development of Cybersecurity. The objective is to identify strengths and related opportunities, as well as to promote growth in this area.
Members of the board
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Related news and events
Cycle of Webinars - Special on CyberSecurity
We are convinced that technology is a great ally, especially when it comes to security issues.
La Mesa TIC: What challenges does increased connectivity pose for cybersecurity?
The last edition of La Mesa TIC of the year with Marcelo Guinovart from AGESIC; Eduardo Mangarelli from Universidad ORT; Leonardo Martínez from Banco Santander; and Jorge Pereyra from Netgate and eXpand.