Digital transformation in companies, a window to new opportunities
In recent years, it has become a reality that the pace of change in the business world has accelerated. New digital technologies Every so often, we see new digital technologies emerging. This endless stream of innovation started with social, mobile,...
Profitable Project Sales: an achievable challenge!
It is usual for a prospect to present us with their requirements for a software development, and we are in a hurry to pass on the associated quotation. But if we agree, we will end up doing a closed project (also called Fixed Priced Project) and very...
A new generation of workers demands a new approach to the workplace
The rise of remote working and a younger digitally native workforce are shaking up traditional business structures. Many organisations are still adapting their workspaces to cope and, in some cases, need to review for...
5 or 6 key issues on hybrid work for 2022 and in this sense: What should companies take into account; What will be the main challenges in relation to this work format; What will be the main challenges in relation to this work format?
Hybrid Model In Uruit before COVID we already had practices such as working from anywhere in the world, we could travel, study and work. There were people who went to the United States to perfect their English and also worked remotely...
Internet of things is growing in Uruguay and the world; where is the sector heading?
The term Internet of Things or IoT is being heard more and more frequently. This is because it is a rapidly growing technology. In fact, it is estimated that there are already more than 12 billion active IoT devices in the world and it is expected that the number of IoT...
Corporate English language learning
Empowering employees to take control of their own learning is essential to your organisation's staff development. It is no longer enough to simply provide standardised content. It is necessary to move to a...
Tecnología y Sector Turismo, unidos hacia la Transformación Digital
8 herramientas para reducir costes IT en turismo Desde atSistemas, podemos definir 8 herramientas claves con el objetivo de reducir costes operaciones de IT en el sector Turismo: Software self-service Según Gartner, en 2022, el 85% de las interacciones de...
Innovación y Transformación Digital como oportunidades empresariales
Después de una crisis, deberíamos esperar momentos de oportunidades. Las crisis nos permiten tener un momento de reflexión, de aprendizaje, de adaptación, innovación y creatividad que nos ayudan a salir fuertes con un grado de flexibilidad a las circunstancias capaz...
Nube de nubes
Desde hace un par de años, todo el mundo habla de “nube” cómo una de las principales tendencias dentro de la tecnología de la información. Mas allá de la etiqueta “nube”, es importante entender conceptos generales de qué significa, para que se aplica y por qué es...
EL 2021 MARCA EL PEOR AÑO PARA LA CIBERSEGURIDAD Tras un 2021 con la mayor cifra de ciberataques de la historia, las empresas toman cartas sobre el asunto y evalúan destinar más recursos, porque el 2022 no vaticina ser mejor. El 72% de las empresas aumentarán sus...
Halp: Atlassian's new ITSM solution
¿Qué es Halp? Halp es un cliente ligero de Service Desk para las aplicaciones chat-ops Teams y Slack y fue adquirido por Atlassian en 2020. Con Halp se pueden gestionar peticiones de soporte creadas desde los mensajes de Teams o Slack, resolverlas y editarlas. A...
Are we leaving money on the table?
Muchas empresas están dejando dinero arriba de la mesa por enfocarse básicamente en nuevos proyectos y prospectos, sin gestionar adecuadamente las relaciones con los clientes y ex-clientes, esas empresas que ya nos tienen confianza porque nos conocen, pero donde no...
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