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Mythology Labs, a project that builds new opportunities

Mythology Labs, a project that builds new opportunities

How and when did the possibility of creating the company arise? In 2007, while watching a football match, I wanted to have a platform that would allow me to know the history and statistics of all the teams, managers, players and players....

IoT: Technology at the Service of the Environment

IoT: Technology at the Service of the Environment

"Skolstrejk för Klimatet" (School Strike for the Climate) is what you can read on the poster of a 16-year-old Swedish girl who travels the world by sailboat to reduce her carbon footprint by raising awareness about climate change and participating in the UN climate summits....

The difference between partner role and functional role

The difference between partner role and functional role

On many occasions when we interact with partners in technology companies we notice that these two concepts are often mixed: the role of partner/founder with the functional role that each partner fulfils within the company (e.g. CEO, CTO, COO, etc.) While...

Your business may not exist if it's not in the cloud

Your business may not exist if it's not in the cloud

Leaders around the world are realising that "I won't exist if I'm not in the cloud". A stark reality, which many leaders have already realised, as Satya Nadella shared in his interview with Morgan Stanley. It's a lesson that may have been...

The true cost of failing to prevent a ransomware attack

The true cost of failing to prevent a ransomware attack

It is no news that, if you are a victim of this crime, the economic impact will be substantial. But do they really know how much a ransomware attack costs? If you really knew, you wouldn't be leaving anything to chance. And when we talk about impact, in addition to the cost...

State of Cybersecurity in Uruguayan companies 2020 - 2021

State of Cybersecurity in Uruguayan companies 2020 - 2021

The year 2020 will undoubtedly be remembered as a year of major challenges for the operational continuity of organisations. In this context, cybersecurity has unfortunately not been an exception, but an aggravating factor that has added to an already complex scenario. The...

The role of Digital Identity in virtual wallets

The role of Digital Identity in virtual wallets

VU's panel One of the most awaited panels by the attendees was moderated by Néstor Serravalle, CSO of VU: "The role of digital identity in virtual wallets". For a little over 30 minutes, Néstor spoke alongside Maryory Ávila Rubio, General...



What is upskilling Similar to the concept of lifelong learning (also known as "lifelong learning"), the idea of upskilling is to encourage professional development in areas or skills that people already have some mastery of.....

Growth = Selling + SOURCING

Growth = Selling + SOURCING

About the recent IT labor market survey An IT company that enjoys good health and has the expected sales growth, undoubtedly grows in specialized personnel, especially if it is in services. In this growth...

Traditional prospecting isn't working, so what now?

Traditional prospecting isn't working, so what now?

The world of prospecting and sales in general was very different for nearshore software companies back in February 2020: they used to go on sales trips where they attended events to generate leads and visited prospects and customers; the...

Business lessons from an uncertain year

Business lessons from an uncertain year

The need for enterprise digital enablement has never been more critical. The coronavirus has created significant disruptions for companies across all industries and, as a result, many have had to quickly invest in solutions. Technologies...