The ICT Table of En Perspectiva
One hour to discuss in depth the latest trends in information and communication technologies.
150 new students in UTEC's Information Technology Degree Program
Welcome students of generation 2017 to the career Tecnicatura in Information Technology!
The Fourth Industrial Revolution and its impact on learning.
Interview with Miguel Brechner, president of Plan Ceibal.
Towards an Industry 4.0: the first edition of Tecmaqh arrives at LATU in June
The first edition of Tecmaqh, the International Fair of Technology, Machines and Tools for Production, will be held from June 8 to 11 at LATU.
tuMenú Business: eating well made easy
tuMenú Business allows companies to partially or fully subsidise lunch for their employees.
ICT Academic Training Annual Report 2016
In order to observe the trends occurring in the education of careers related to the ICT industry in Uruguay, a report was produced that processes, consolidates and analyses the 2015 period, with a comparative study with respect to 2014.
Some 30,000 people work in the ICT sector, with a large number of women employed.
The ICT sector is one of the most dynamic in Uruguay, employing some 30,000 people, with a low rate of informality and higher average incomes than the economy as a whole.
Find out the 5 keys to innovate in your company, according to Enric Segarra
In this era of constant change, one of the main concerns for companies is how to innovate in order to survive in a world where instability has become the norm.
Gartner Analyst Relation Programme
Uruguay XXI launches new programme for companies in the ICT sector with Gartner
Uruguayan technology company dLocal honoured by Forbes
In its first year, the Astropay spin-off, which offers online payment services for emerging markets, has grown by 400% and is now operating in 18 countries.
TecDis presented its product "e2t Evolution Truck" in Mexico.
TecDis and its business partner, Fusion-IT, held a Business Breakfast for executives from prestigious companies in the FMCG industry.
BIOS School of Systems and Abstracta launch Technical Testing Career
It consists of two years and four courses: Software Testing, Programming for Testers, Automated Testing and Performance Testing.