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UTEC opens pre-enrollment on November 1st with a new career in Durazno


The Technological University (UTEC), which in five years has increased the number of students from 44 to 1,800, expands its offer with the incorporation of the Agro-environmental Engineering degree, which will be taught at the Durazno campus as of 2019.
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The pre-registration period opens this Thursday, November 1st. As the proposals are developed with quotas, if demand exceeds supply, a lottery will be held.


UTEC counselor Rodolfo Silveira announced the opening of the pre-enrollment period for the 2019 academic year. In an interview with the Secretariat of Institutional Communication, he confirmed that between November 1 and December 28 there is time to sign up for careers in Fray Bentos, Durazno and Rivera, in addition to the proposal of Mercedes.  


"The UTEC has since its inception a very agile form of enrollment, online, without the need for anyone to move to a place to sign up. Entering the website and completing a series of very simple data, the person is enrolled," explained Silveira, who recalled that the number of students doubled in a year.


At the time of its creation in 2014, this university offered training to 44 students and currently reaches 1,800. The groups are formed with limited quotas, since technological careers require a relationship with practice and a personalized teacher-student or tutor-student link. If demand exceeds the available supply, a lottery will be held in February.


Para el año próximo se suma la carrera de Ingeniería Agroambiental, que funcionará en el Instituto Tecnológico Regional (ITR) Centro-Sur, en Durazno. “Es una carrera transversal, que contiene disciplinas muy diversas. Tiene que ver con el mundo de las ingenierías que tocan aspectos de medioambiente, sostenibilidad, sustentabilidad y producción. Esta carrera supone cinco años de duración y es de carácter presencial», dijo el entrevistado.


Silveira assured that there was an unsatisfied need to which UTEC responded, which he considered evidenced in the growth of enrollment. "Those students were there, they come from more than 80 localities all over the country, and they were able to access a tertiary-university education, hence the importance of bringing a decentralized educational offer to the interior," he explained. He also clarified that many students from the capital settle in the places where careers are taught.


Information Technologies is the most demanded proposal by those who study at UTEC. Silveira recalled that Uruguay is the third largest exporter of software, with an average of 400 million dollars per year. "That we can have in Uruguay the country with the highest software export per capita in Latin America is an added value," he said, and argued that it is a sector without unemployment.


UTEC created the career with the Uruguayan Chamber of Information Technology as a partner, because the link with work is immediate. According to Silveira, it is important that students complete their training, even though the salary and the type of jobs they can get even if they haven't graduated are attractive. "As we need better trained people, we are working with the business sector to not 'steal' students quickly, let them finish and look for mechanisms to make work and study compatible, taking into account that it is a blended career, which facilitates the management of the student's time," he said.   





Source: Presidency


