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A strategic alliance to deliver Microsoft solutions


Arkano, Nublit, Pyxis, UruIt and AT join forces to offer their customers services in web computing, artificial intelligence and machine learning.
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Arkano, Nublit, Pyxis, UruIt and AT are teaming up to offer their customers services in grid computing, artificial intelligence and machine learning, in a bid to provide more complementary and comprehensive services.


MaS Soluciones is an alliance formed by five Uruguayan technology companies focused on Microsoft products and services. A little over two years ago, Arkano, AT, Nublit, Pyxis and UruIt (with more than 300 employees) decided to combine their capabilities into a unified business offering with a view to providing a more comprehensive and quality service.


The Operations Manager of MaS Soluciones, Gonzalo Lupi, who joined the company a few months ago, told Café & Negocios that although at first he had his doubts about how five companies with a strong presence in a small market like the Uruguayan one could coexist, he has seen in this time the collaborative spirit and the openness and transparency with which each of the companies that make up the alliance work.


«Para 2017 pensamos salir con mucha fuerza, buscar mayor visibilidad de la marca, que si bien está apoyada por empresas conocidas en el mercado, no deja de ser una marca joven», dijo Lupi.La asociación se basa en la convicción de que las nuevas tecnologías y la transformación digital influyen cada vez más en la toma de decisiones de las empresas, e incluso, esas decisiones pueden ser tomadas por la propia tecnología.


The companies that make up MaS Solutions understand that the products and services of the Azure cloud (Microsoft) allow them to better process data - both internal and external - and automate processes to make the best possible decisions. Also based on artificial intelligence, the aim of MaS is for companies to increasingly link technology to their business processes.


The objective of the alliance was to strengthen the collaborative model that its members were already experiencing naturally, through the organisation of operational processes, the incorporation of methodology and the systematisation of work.


A synergy of knowledge

According to Nublit's general manager, Julio Fitipaldo, what was done was to generate an alliance in a more organised way. All the companies were collaborating with each other, and recognising the potential of working together, it was decided to pool their capabilities.


The director of AT Innovando Juntos, Gonzalo Sologaistoa, highlighted that his company managed to become one of the three companies in the country to provide Microsoft corporate contract services thanks to the proposal presented at the time, which encompassed the comprehensiveness that MaS Soluciones could provide.


A su vez, el director de Ingeniería en Pyxis, Ignacio Duarte, indicó que para el mercado local lo relevante es la potencia que representa la alianza, donde hay un sinfín de problemas que las cinco empresas trabajando juntas son capaces de resolver. «Desde su génesis en Pyxis hemos hecho las cosas siempre en conjunto y ya veníamos trabajando con las otras empresas. Al final del día lo que vendemos todas es conocimiento. Esto genera que la experiencia que va viviendo cada una de las empresas se pueda compartir, lo que va desarrollando una red de conocimientos que enriquece», señalo Duarte.


El profesional agregó que esto no dejó de traer complicaciones en algunos proyectos. «A veces sucede que el deseo de involucrar a las otras empresas te lleva a que el esfuerzo en primera instancia sea mayor. De todas formas, creemos en que nos hace bien trabajar juntos, y al sumar otro perfil puedes resolverle más problemas al cliente. Si bien el esfuerzo inicial es mayor, es por un beneficio futuro», reflexionó Duarte.


Microsoft's vision

En relación a la alianza concretada por Arkano, AT, Nublit, Pyxis y UruIt, el gerente general de Microsoft Uruguay, Rodrigo Astiazaran, dijo que en general los clientes prefieren delegar sus proyectos para un único proveedor, por lo que implica un diferencial importante contar con todas las capacidades necesarias para implementar soluciones con tecnologías Microsoft.»MaS cubre todo el espectro de competencias que Microsoft requiere», resaltó el ejecutivo.


Looking outwards as well

Although the initial idea was to provide clients with a more agile and quality service in Uruguay, in the medium term the idea is to take the working model across borders. Some of the companies that make up the alliance already have a presence in other markets such as Chile (Arkano), Colombia (Pyxis) and the United States (Pyxis and UruIt), which will make international insertion easier.


In addition, the five boards have experience in 15 countries in the Americas and Europe. "This alliance was also made looking outwards, because the country is a good laboratory for the size of the projects and knowledge of the market. There are many precedents of national companies and the Uruguayan product is well conceptualised", said Duarte, from Pyxis. For his part, Fitipaldo, from Nublit, said that the country is very well positioned in terms of exports per capita, due to the fact that there have been public policies with tax exemptions that have encouraged the industry. "Uruguay has good training in human resources and there is a good cost-benefit ratio compared to other countries," he said.


Source: The Observer
