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UDE launches its virtual short courses with benefits for Cuti members


The School of Business Development of the Universidad de la Empresa has designed a set of short courses (between 18 and 30 hours) in virtual mode, taught through the use of the latest generation of educational platforms.
Tiempo de lectura: < 1 minuto

The course will be taught by selected professors from the University through the Zoom platform and with the support of Google Classroom. The topics have been specially selected for their immediate practical application and topicality. The courses are oriented to encourage the development of various skills by the participants.


The first 10 participants registered by each Cuti partner company will have a 15% discount on the value of the courses.



The list price is:

2 installments of $ 3,800 for courses from 18 to 22 hours.

3 installments of $ 3,800 for courses of 30 hours. 

