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BQN celebrated its first 15 years of history

BQN celebrated its first 15 years of history

Last Thursday, November 29th, BQN, one of the few hardware and software development companies in our country, celebrated its 15th anniversary with clients, friends and authorities of the sector, in a very special night.

BQN celebrates its 15th anniversary

BQN celebrates its 15th anniversary

This 2018 we celebrate 15 years of history. Being Quinielas Agents, we founded BQN to develop a POS for the registration and processing of bets. Today we are the creators of the best-selling cattle caravan reader in the country, among other projects.

UTEC in Fray Bentos

UTEC in Fray Bentos

On Monday October 29th at the UTEC ITR South West in the city of Fray Bentos, the company Essentia held a workshop on its product VELNEO by Enrique Mastalli.

People Care - Spin offs & Start Ups

People Care - Spin offs & Start Ups

Búsquedas IT bets to continue contributing to its clients and the IT sector, providing a comprehensive analysis service of Human Management, especially designed for Spin Offs and Start Ups.