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X China-LAC Business Summit


From October 12 to 18 in China, several events will be held for businessmen, authorities and consultants, with the participation of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs, Industry and Livestock, with Uruguay XXI leading the activity.
Tiempo de lectura: < 1 minuto

En particular, la «X Cumbre Empresarial China-LAC» se llevará a cabo los días 14 y 15 de octubre de 2016 en Tangshan, China.  Se trata de una cumbre empresarial de alto nivel y está siendo organizada conjuntamente por el BID,  CCPIT y el Banco Popular de China. Su objetivo es fortalecer y expandir los vínculos comerciales entre Asia, particularmente China, y América Latina y el Caribe (LAC) a través del intercambio de ideas y experiencias en el desarrollo de actividades de promoción comercial, la identificación de oportunidades de negocios y la promoción del comercio y la inversión extranjera en nuestra Región.  Asimismo, el BID facilitará reuniones de negocios individuales.    


The IDB offers benefits to SME exporting companies that apply, reimbursing up to US$1,500 (one thousand five hundred dollars) to participate in this event, among other benefits. The requirements that companies must meet to apply for these benefits are:

  • Belong to one of the following industry sectors: Agribusiness, Manufacturing, Infrastructure, Professional Services.
  • Have a company profile on ConnectAmericas and be verified or in the process of being verified. 
  • Be a small or medium-sized company.
  • Commercial experience with Asia, preferably with China.


Deadline to apply for BID support: Aug. 19


It is important to highlight that next year's event will take place in Uruguay.It is therefore strategic to be able to start in this opportunity a link with counterparts from that country and from other Latin American countries that will allow us to advance in the medium term in concrete business and investment opportunities.


Links of interest:

Event at ConnectAmericas

Event in UruguayXXI

CHINA-LAC website


