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UTEC, UTU and Brazilian technological education institute to offer binational careers in 2019


Technologist in Industrial Mechatronics and Data Analysis are the two careers that 100 Uruguayan and Brazilian students will be able to access, 50 each, in binational mode in 2019.
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The Technological University (UTEC), the Council of Technical-Professional Education (CETP-UTU) and the Federal Institute Sul-Rio Grandense (IFSUL) of Brazil agreed on this possibility. Mechatronics will be taught at the new location in Rivera.


The headquarters of the Regional Technological Institute (ITR) of the north of the country, located in Rivera was inaugurated in November, on the occasion of the visit of President Tabaré Vázquez, when he also toured the new works of Route 30.


The center, belonging to the Technological University (UTEC) is new but the careers that are taught there, Logistics Engineering and Industrial Mechatronics Technologist, have been operating since 2017 in an area that they seek to become an inter-institutional campus of education, a pole where all the tertiary education offerings (UTU, UTEC and University of the Republic) are concentrated.


In an interview with the Secretariat of Institutional Communication, councilor Graciela Do Mato recalled that UTEC was created without a budget, which meant that in its first stage the institutions of the National System of Public Education gave it space to start despite not having its own infrastructure. Today UTEC has three regional technological institutes, one in Rivera, one in Fray Bentos and one in Durazno. New buildings in which the technology corresponding to the development of the courses is available.


Do Mato reported that in Rivera the careers will be binational in 2019. "UTU has been working for some time on binationality and now UTEC, UTU and the Federal Institute Sul-Rio Grandense (IFSUL) will carry out the career of Technologist in Industrial Mechatronics and Data Analysis (which would be Information Technologies, with another name because it is binational)," he explained. This implies that the course at IFSUL (Data Analysis) will receive the presence of Brazilian and Uruguayan students and the same with the one at UTEC (Mechatronics).


For 2019, 50 places are planned, 25 Uruguayans and 25 Brazilians per educational proposal. "The enrollments in Industrial Mechatronics, as it is a career shared with UTU already provided by us in UTEC, are made in our system, while the Data Analysis, enrollments are made in IFSUL", added the counselor.


Source: Presidency
