The ninth edition of the Punta Tech Meetup once again brought together the entrepreneurial world of Latin America on a rainy night at the Punta del Este Convention Centre on Monday. The event, organised by Pablo Brenner, Sergio Fogel and Ariel Pfeffer, is characterised by an extensive networking space before and after expert conferences. This year it focused its attention on a topic that companies and internet users should focus on: cybersecurity.
More than 1,000 attendees were present, including business people from different industries, technology leaders, entrepreneurs, investors, government figures and diplomats, among others.
After two hours of networking, a must at any event that brings together entrepreneurs, the conferences began. The meeting was opened by the executive director of Uruguay XXI, Antonio Carámbula, who highlighted the attractiveness of Uruguay as a destination for investment in global services.
Afterwards, Israeli Ambassador Nina Ben-Ami presented the agreement reached between the National Agency for Research and Innovation (ANII) and the Israel Innovation Authority for R&D cooperation projects. Ben-Ami introduced the first speaker of the event, Rami Efrati, founder and CEO of Firmitas Cyber Solutions.
Educate to be safe
Efrati señaló que es necesario «ejercitar e invertir para prevenir los ciberataques». Para el especialista, la importancia radica en educar en seguridad informática, tanto a las empresas como a particulares usuarios de la web.
El segundo speaker en subir al escenario fue Mauro Flores, manager del área de Ciberseguridad de Deloitte, quien expuso sobre la manera en que se piensan las nuevas soluciones para el ciber espacio. El experto destacó que cuando se lleva un negocio de lo terrenal al ciberespacio hay que «repensarlo para que funcione en este ámbito».
Además, Flores se refirió al impacto en la imagen de una empresa y en el negocio en sí, cuando un usuario es víctima de un ataque cibernético, ya que la culpa será «de la compañía que no tuvo en cuenta la seguridad».
The closing keynote speaker at the event was Marvin Liao, partner at Micro Venture Capital and 500 Startups accelerator. Liao gave a presentation on the future of work and presented a number of key lessons for success in the tech industry. Among them, he pointed out the importance of continuously learning in order to have more opportunities and stressed that today is the ideal time to be a small and dynamic company.
«I´m not a businessman, I´m a business, man», es la clave, según Liao, para enfrentar los cambios en el empleo que traerá la cuarta revolución tecnológica.
Source: The Observer