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b_IT talents are ready to join the industry!


In a partnership with Workifit, the job search application, we want to make it possible for students and graduates of the b_IT program to get involved in the industry and add value to your company.
Tiempo de lectura: < 1 minuto

How does it work?


When you have a job opportunity, we invite you to post it on the platform. Workifit will make the perfect match between what your company is looking for and the profiles of the applicants registered on the platform, including b_IT talents.  


How do I post a job opportunity on Workifit?


Post your job opportunity in 3 simple steps: Set up your company profile, describe your vacancies and contact the candidates that best fit your search.

Just remember to include "b_IT" as one of your requirements in the training section, so we can match your proposal with the talents of the program.




If you are a student or graduate b_IT:


We invite you to create a profile in the application with your data and interests. In the training section include your studies in "b_IT", so that Workifit's algorithm links you to companies that are looking for new talent that match your profile.



Now you just have to wait. Workifit's algorithm will make the perfect match.

Among the applicants registered on the platform, including b_IT students and graduates, Workifit will select those profiles that best fit the offer so that you can continue the selection process.  
