From the hand of Fundación HTN, the solidarity social network mobile Help Today Now is born, which aims to build bridges of collaboration between solidarity organisations, the educational, private, public and social sectors and people in general.
On Help Today Now, you can view the world map of solidarity and find the charities closest to your location.
One of the objectives of the technological platform is to simplify the channels of collaboration. To achieve this, you can view the profiles of all the solidarity organisations and, in just a few seconds, start lending a hand.
Who can participate?
On the one hand, solidarity organisations and, on the other hand, anyone who wants to take social action.
Supporters can sign up to participate by registering free of charge at:
Users can do so by downloading the Help Today Now Mobile app. It is now available for Android and iOS (iPhone) devices. The countries where it is already available for download are: Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Venezuela and Panama.
Little by little more countries will join.
Download link:
What are the ways to collaborate?
You can do this in three ways: financially, by volunteering or through your social media outreach.
For every action of solidarity you take, you will add leaves of help to your tree of conscience.
Who is carrying out this initiative?
The HTN Global Foundation team.
What does HTN Foundation do?
At Fundación HTN we develop non-profit technologies for the benefit of the social sector. We have three areas of knowledge:
Technological development, Education, Health and Environment.
In the area of Technological Development, we develop technological solutions to improve the community.
Our main project is HTN. We have the support of more than 2,800 partners in 32 countries. We are grateful for the participation of volunteers from universities, the private sector, through social responsibility departments, government agencies and collaborators in general.
In the area of Education, we develop and implement digital courses on our educational platform, which are open access and free of charge. We have courses for children and adolescents on road safety, bullying and other topics of general interest.
One of our objectives in the area of education is to reach the most remote places and include schools that are difficult to access through technology.
Our Health and Environment area only started activities a few months ago.
It aims to develop an administration system for rural health centres and hospitals, which will, among other functions, ease their operational burden.
We are also working on the development of courses related to raising environmental awareness, educating about circular economy and the use of alternative energies, according to the region where you are located.
If you are interested in learning more about Fundación HTN and how you can participate in the different initiatives we are carrying out, we invite you to visit us and contact us through our website
By applying a small share of our time, responsibly and intelligently, we can make the world a better place together.
We are waiting for you!