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The ICT Table: What does the sector contribute in these times of pandemic?


Leonardo Loureiro, president of Cuti; Fernando Panizza, Research and Development manager of Bantotal; Amílcar Perea, CEO of Inswitch and Jorge Pereyra, director of Netgate.
Reading time: 2 minutes

In this health emergency due to the new coronavirus, information and communication technologies are being a key ally, first, to face the pandemic and, also, to overcome the difficulties that social distancing poses at a personal and work level, with, for example, video calls, tele-work, and distance education.


A priori, it could be thought that companies in the sector are experiencing a boom. 


But it turns out that Uruguayan ICTs have not escaped the economic crisis that has been generated, to the extent that many of these companies were dedicated to providing services to other sectors of activity that are now completely paralyzed. 


How are Uruguayan IT companies experiencing this special period? Which ones are weathering the crisis without difficulties and which ones are having a tougher time? 




The ICT Table is a presentation of Antel, Bantotal, Interamericana de Cómputos, LATU, Netgate, Quanam.
