Mayor Guillermo Caraballo met with the president of the Uruguayan Chamber of Information Technology (CUTI), Álvaro Lamé, as part of efforts to strengthen the Paysandú Innova project and provide it with new vocational training content.
The Departmental Executive is working on policies to consolidate Paysandú as a training center in information technologies.
The meeting took place at the CUTI headquarters (at LATU), with the participation of the Secretary General of the Municipality, Mario Díaz, the Director General of Promotion and Development, Margarita Heinzen and the Mayor's advisor, Andrés Piaggio.
As a promoter and manager of the Paysandú Innova project, Caraballo has been working on policies that complement and strengthen the ICT training profile of Paysandú, in this case in the recruitment of strategic partners to develop a project aimed at enriching this training space and boosting entrepreneurship linked to information technologies, seeking to provide it with a greater supply of vocational training as a way to improve the quality of employment at the departmental level.
Heinzen, who is leading efforts to develop this line of work, reaffirmed that "innovation and technology can imply a very important productive change for Paysandú".
In the framework of the development of this strategic competitiveness project, a meeting was held with the head of the CUTI, during which possibilities of articulation for the expansion of the vocational training offer in the framework of the Paysandú Innova project were analysed.
Source: Portal Intendencia Paysandú