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CBF2019: "Where the Uruguayan IT ecosystem meets to strengthen connections".


This November 5th will be held for the first time the Cuti Business Forum, a day of conferences that will host 2000 people, 3 simultaneous stages and 4 areas of workshops among its activities.
Tiempo de lectura: < 1 minuto

It will be a unique opportunity, where speakers from all over the Americas will present throughout the day on Tuesday 5th. Among them will be Gabriel Rozman (Tokai Ventures), Guillermo Prosper (Sabre), Rafael Pinto (LatAm Startups), Tony Duckett (xiBOSS), Neville Reeves (Rootstrap), Andrew Ellis (US Embassy), Martín Alcalá (Tryolabs), Mariana Falkenburger (Enterprise Florida), Andre Leal (SelectUSA), María José Compte (SAP) and more that can be found here.


The #CBF2019 audience will gain key insights from the experience of those already doing business in the U.S. and how to generate better sales strategies and business linkages.


CBF2019 will provide networking spaces with experts from the North American market and institutions such as SelectUSA, Enterprise Florida, LatAm Startups, xiBOSS, among others.


In turn, the day will be framed in the CBF SummIT which will be held on 4 and 6 November, allowing national companies to meet with several of the speakers and participants of the Cuti Business Forum.


For more information, inquiries and registration, please contact or

There are still places left to become a Partner or Sponsor of CBF2019.


The Cuti Business Forum 2019 was declared of national interest by the Presidency of the Republic and of ministerial interest by MIEM, MTSS, MRREE and MEC.




