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"Benteveo", the project that won in the Hackathon BPS 2017.


The bird, with non-invasive sensors, is able to provide data such as ambient temperature or gas leakage.
Reading time: 2 minutes

On 4 and 5 November, the 2017 edition of the BPS Social Security Hackathon was organised by the Banco de Previsión Social and the Uruguayan Chamber of Information Technology (CUTI), an open competition for teams of researchers, entrepreneurs and experts in information technology and social security.


El equipo de Quanam, compuesto por Fernando López, Gerardo Álvarez, Gustavo Gabrielli y Martín Cal, Consultores de Business Analytics, fueron los ganadores obteniendo el 1er. premio con la idea «Benteveo». 


The challenge consisted of developing, during two days of work, a solution model with the aim of solving social security problems in Uruguay through the use of technology.


Benteveo, m. R. de la Plata, es un pájaro que en su canto imita en cierto modo la pronunciación de las palabras «bien te veo».


The solution focuses on transforming the home into an aid for the elderly, with the use of IoT (Internet Of Things) turning the environment into an extra friend that collaborates with the person to be more autonomous and independent.


Through non-invasive sensors, the environment generates data that Benteveo converts into information, for example: the person's activity level, room temperature, gas leakage, light index, among others. This information provides peace of mind to family members and is a valuable input for caregivers or personal assistants of the elderly, helping them to improve care tasks. 


External variables (e.g., current status or weather forecast) are also incorporated into this data integration, aggregation that allows us to work with pattern inference and anomaly detection models, either to generate warning signals or to detect possible improvements to the person's well-being.


This solution is complemented by a virtual assistant, with spoken natural language interaction capabilities, to provide a first line of care, either for general enquiries or to contact someone to provide assistance in direct communication with the person or face-to-face.


The winners will participate in the LATAM IoT & Tech Forum in Chile, an event that brings together key industry players who are leading the digital transformation in Latin America.





Source: Montevideo Portal


