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Internet penetration in Uruguay has increased to nearly 100%, according to survey


World Telecommunication and Information Society Day was held under the theme: "Bridging the standardization gap".
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The event aimed to raise awareness of the possibilities that the use of the Internet and other Information and Communication Technologies offer to the development of contemporary societies.


Este año, el Día Mundial de las Telecomunicaciones y de la Sociedad de la Información se realiza bajo el lema: «Reduciendo la brecha de normalización», en base a que la definición de normas es uno de los pilares del trabajo que realiza la ONU en torno a las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación y un importante aporte al logro de los Objetivos del Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS).


The 5th Survey of Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices of Digital Citizenship, presented today, is a study carried out annually by Agesic's Information and Knowledge Society Division with the aim of surveying the behaviour of Uruguayans in dimensions such as ICT use and skills, trust in the web channel as a means of interaction with the State and private parties, and trust in the State as a manager of digital channels.


The research provides data on access to and use of the Internet among Uruguayans, typology of Digital Citizenship, completion of online procedures, use of service channels for information on procedures and user satisfaction, among others.


To present the results of the survey, Susana Dornel, member of Agesic's Information Society area, took the floor.


Some key data from the survey are:

  • 4 out of 10 people use the Internet all the time and 5 use it at certain times of the day.
  • 85% of respondents use the Internet every day
  • Increased digital interaction of citizens with the state, as well as trust and confidence
  • Internet penetration increased to almost 100%.
  • With regard to information channels for procedures, 47% of respondents use the Internet.
  • Those who complete procedures online from start to finish are 55% male, 39% have tertiary education and 58% live in the interior of the country.


See the full results


Source: Montevideo Portal
