In the framework of the b_IT Program of Cuti and INEFOP, the 1st Regional Meeting of the b_IT Program took place on Friday, April 5, in which more than 400 students of the 2018 Generation presented their 1st year final projects.
With words of the Director of INEFOP Fernando Ubal and the President of Cuti Eng. Leonadro Loureiro, began the day that had as protagonists the students of the b_IT Program of Montevideo and Canelones. In rounds of one hour, IT industry leaders played the role of evaluators of the projects presented, listening, guiding and advising the presenting teams.
It was a very enriching day where new talents and IT industry leaders worked together on projects that aim to solve situations and improve the quality of life with technology.
On May 3rd and 10th, in Durazno and Colonia respectively, the second and third Regional Meetings will be held. The b_IT Program has a national scope, so students from all over the country were divided into 3 zones to facilitate the attendance to the different meetings.
About b_IT
The b_IT Project started in 2018 as a 2-year 100% online training program in Information Technology aimed at people over 18 years of age with 4th year of high school or equivalent passed, nationwide.
Applications for 1000 scholarships for the 2019 Generation are open until April 30.