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ANII supports the development of artificial intelligence for STELA Automation made simple(r)


The accelerated digital transformation that companies have undergone in recent years has driven the need to offer digital channels, services and solutions at a dizzying pace.
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The accelerated digital transformation that companies have undergone in recent years has driven the need to offer digital channels, services and solutions at a dizzying pace.

This trend determined a greater relevance in technological development and the need to carry out quality assurance and software testing tasks in a more agile and productive way. In this context, test and process automation tools have become more relevant.

For this reason the ANII (National Agency for Research and Innovation of Uruguay), supported the Software Testing Bureau project that aims to increase and improve the capabilities of STELA, our software test automation tool and digital processes. The purpose of the project is to incorporate more artificial intelligence functionalities to the platform, allowing companies to automate tests and processes in a simpler way through artificial vision components (Computer Vision) and to incorporate more efficient test cases through machine learning.

In this way, we are maximising the capacity and scope of testing applications and systems for different businesses in Latin America in order to provide a more robust solution, capable of competing with those of European or North American origin, but with the knowledge of the regional market.
