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New CES courses with 10% discount


CES launches in October two new courses, Mobile Testing and Automated Mobile Testing with 10% discount for Cuti Members.
Tiempo de lectura: < 1 minuto

Both the Mobile Testing and Automated Mobile Testing courses will be entirely online and will start on Monday, October 19th.


Mobile Testing

Duration: 4 weeks

Mode: Online

Time commitment: 15 hours per week

Requisitos: Curso aprobado «Introducción al testing funcional» (Carrera de testing) o aprobar una prueba de evaluación de los conceptos impartidos en dicho curso. Nociones de performance.

Hardware/Software Requirements: Android Phone


Automated mobile testing package

Duration: 8 weeks

Mode: Online

Time commitment: 15 to 20 hours per week.

Requisitos: Curso aprobado «Introducción al testing funcional» (Carrera de testing) o aprobar una prueba de evaluación de los conceptos impartidos en dicho curso. Nociones de performanceProgramación a nivel JUnit.

Hardware / software requirements: PC with 2 GB RAM (minimum), 4 GB RAM (recommended). Supported operating systems: Microsoft Windows 8/7/Vista/2003, Mac OS X 10.8.5 or higher up to 10.9 (Mavericks), Linux Gnome or KDE. Android phone.


For registrations and enquiries for these two courses write to

Cuti members request accreditation to get 10% discount.


