In March 2016 begins ÁNIMA, a new Educational Institution with an innovative proposal that articulates with companies that seek to contribute to the education of young Uruguayans, through the contribution of their knowledge and resources for the development of the skills required by the labor market.
ÁNIMA offers young people a technical training in two orientations: Administration and Information and Communication Technology (ICT), in the high school cycle (4th, 5th and 6th grade), combining theoretical and practical learning, in different spaces: the classroom, companies, and digital laboratory.
El perfil de egreso de ambas orientaciones fue construido en conjunto con las empresas de Sector a partir de un estudio de demanda que identifica las competencias laborales que requieren tener desarrolladas los jóvenes para tener un buen desempeño en el mercado. “Nuestro plan de formación requiere de una participación activa de las empresas, quienes recibirán a los jóvenes en sus instalaciones determinados días a la semana para realizar funciones laborales previamente acordadas, que aporten al negocio de la empresa y al proceso de formación de los alumnos”, expresa Ximena Sommer, Directora Ejecutiva de ÁNIMA.
This is a full-time proposal and free access for young people living in a situation of social vulnerability. Its aim is that young people acquire the necessary skills (both technical and transversal) for an immediate insertion in the formal labour market and their educational continuity. ÁNIMA uses companies as a complementary training environment to the educational centre, giving a didactic value to the work in the classroom and a great training opportunity for young people.
ICT graduate profile
ÁNIMA understands technology as a tool capable of empowering the development of young people from the acquisition of skills that broaden their vision of the future based on change, the development of components, applications and tools that enable them to improve their quality of life.
Concepts that revolve around technology, such as performance, speed, improvement, development, efficiency, agility and permanent evolution, ÁNIMA translates them into skills, ways of seeing the world, ways of working, competences that determine people's actions. When we talk about technology in ÁNIMA we do not talk about products in particular, we talk about the use of them, we talk about being able to transform things through the use of knowledge and skills acquired through the technological tools that we have or that we develop.
In recent years, technological progress has sustained a particularly accentuated tonic; the approach of technology in our daily lives and therefore the incorporation of the latest technology in devices for mass use. Regardless of the range of technology that we handle, currently in our daily work we handle the same or several times more processing power than with which humanity reached the space or the moon. All this in a transparent way; it is not necessary to have an engineering background to operate such processing capacity and this premise has generated an endless number of devices and open, modifiable, customizable and easy to use software. With this scenario it is pertinent to incorporate as quickly as possible the knowledge that allows a better use of all these tools, which have the characteristic of multiplying knowledge and development exponentially.
Where are we going?
El perfil de egreso de los estudiantes de ÁNIMA busca brindarle a los jóvenes las herramientas necesarias para insertarse en el mercado laboral formal y continuar sus estudios académicos.. La orientación TIC tiene su foco en el desarrollo del perfil de «Desarrollador Web», buscando abrir el abanico de posibilidades de los jóvenes. Para esto partimos de una premisa fundamental: «todos podemos programar». En ÁNIMA creemos que la programación es una disciplina que debe ser extendida a todas las personas que quieran adquirirla. Los lenguajes de programación han ido evolucionando con la tecnología bajo la premisa ineludible de acercar, incluir, hacer a la tecnología menos dura y por ende más accesible. En los últimos años el desarrollo web ha incorporado una infinidad de herramientas que facilitan la tarea del desarrollador, la comunidad open source se ha extendido y ha sido incorporada por grandes compañías que han liberado su código fuente; la creciente variedad de plataformas y dispositivos hace necesaria y cuasi imprescindible la flexibilidad y agilidad de los mecanismos de desarrollo. Esta situación representa una oportunidad para nuestros jóvenes y en ÁNIMA entendemos que es nuestro deber, dotarlos de las herramientas, conocimientos, habilidades y por ende competencias para hacer uso de este mundo tecnológico en pro de la mejora de su visión de futuro, de la creación de herramientas, de la adquisición de habilidades que abran puertas hacia su desarrollo como individuo desde el trabajo. Soñamos con una generación de jóvenes capaces de trabajar, empoderarse de su futuro, mejorar su contexto y contagiar su visión a otros desde sus propias capacidades.
Young people need new learning spaces for their professional training. Companies need committed and qualified human resources. ÁNIMA seeks to build a bridge between both needs, through partnerships with companies that provide opportunities for young people, who will be their potential human resources.
Join the poll of training companies!
For ÁNIMA to be possible, it requires the effort and commitment of everyone. We invite companies that want to contribute to the education of young Uruguayans to join our proposal by supporting us with the financing of the education of one young person, two or as many as they can. We have a scholarship scheme, with the benefit of the Law of Special Donations and various means of payment to receive your donations. You can obtain more information at
For more information