por Cuti | 07 julio 2022 | De Cuti, Destacada home, MT Fintech & Tecnologías Financieras, Noticias
En el año 2020 se formó la Mesa de Fintech & Tecnologías Financieras, actualmente integrada por más de 20 empresas socias. El espacio de trabajo se enmarca en la estrategia institucional de Cuti, que busca conectar la industria TIC con diversas verticales de...
by administrator | 12 February 2020 | Of Interest, MT Fintech & Financial Technologies
We invite all Fintech startups with activity in Latin America to fill out the IDB Latin America Fintech 2020 Questionnaire. The survey responses will be used in the elaboration of the largest study on the Fintech ecosystem in Latin America....
by administrator | November 08, 2018 | Of Interest, MT Fintech & Financial Technologies
1166 Fintech startups have been identified in the region, reflecting a 66% growth since the first measurement conducted by both institutions in 2017. This report describes the evolution and progress that has occurred with respect to the measurement and analysis of the...