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Towards equity: science, technology, engineering, and mathematics


Since 2016, as part of the gender policies that we are implementing in the Institute, we are part of the Interinstitutional Roundtable of Women in Science, Technology, and Innovation*.
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This working group is coordinated by the Office of the Adviser on Gender and Planning and Budget and was formed the same year within the framework of the SAGA-UNESCO International Project.

In this Women's Month, dedicated to promoting equal opportunities in citizenship, we are pleased to disseminate the following communiqué from the Bureau:

We also share a working document that shows the situation of women in the areas of study and work known as STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics). This work shows the unequal participation of women and men in these areas; hence, from the Mesa, we work to make visible and reverse this situation.

Link to the document

The Inter-institutional Roundtable of Women in Science, Technology and Innovation is made up of: Office of Planning and Budget (OPP) the Ministry of Education and Culture (MEC), the Central Directive Council of the National Administration of Public Education (CODICEN ANEP), the Sectorial Commission of Scientific Research of Udelar (CSIC), the Faculty of Engineering of UdelaR (FING), the Institute of Biological Research Clemente Estable (IIBCE), the National Agency for Research and Innovation (ANII), the Uruguayan Chamber of Information Technologies (CUTI), the Ceibal Plan, the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Mining (MIEM), the Basic Sciences Development Programme (PEDECIBA), the National Institute for Women of the Ministry of Social Development (INMUJERES) and the Agency for Electronic Government and the Information and Knowledge Society (AGESIC).
