Quantum Latino

El Quantum Latino es un evento organizado por QURECA (UK), Quantum-South (Uruguay) y el Unconventional Computing Lab (México) con el objetivo de generar conciencia y promover las tecnologías cuánticas para construir una comunidad cuántica. Se desarrollará en modalidad 100% virtual durante tres días y convocará a investigadores, emprendedores, empresas emergentes y colaboradores de la industria para participar, aprender, intercambiar ideas, conectarse, trabajar en red y crecer, para ser parte de una comunidad cuántica en constante crecimiento en América Latina.
Registration Free Open
Day 1 – 9th June 2021
The first day is dedicated to the quantum research community with discussion on their research and advancements made in quantum technologies. This session will include:
• Keynote speeches
• Research talks
Career Event:
Get assistance in your job search and resume building as well as the opportunity to reach out to employers
Build connections through speed networking
Industrial Exhibition:
Showcase products and services, and meet with industry partners and customers
Day 2 – 10th June 2021
The second day will be focused on the business side of quantum technologies, seeking to bring governmental institutions, investors, start-ups, and end users together. There will be discussions on:
• Quantum technologies initiatives worldwide
• Panel discussions on start-ups, companies, and investors in quantum technologies
• Workshops to help build your brand, identity opportunities, and grow your business
Build connections through speed networking
Industrial Exhibition:
Showcase products and services, and meet with with industry partners and customers
Day 3 – 11th June 2021
The third day is dedicated to all the stakeholders in the quantum ecosystem; be that governmental, academic, industry, start-ups, and the general public. The session will include:
• Quantum Chess tournament
• Outreach activities
• Quantum Computing hands-on workshop
Industrial Exhibition:
Showcase products and services, and meet with with industry partners and customers