10962 – Advanced Automated Administration with Windows PowerShell
- Creating Advanced Functions
- Converting a Command into an Advanced Function
- Creating a Script Module
- Defining Parameter Attributes and Input Validation
- Writing Functions that use Multiple Objects
- Writing Functions that Accept Pipeline Input
- Producing Complex Function Output
- Documenting Functions by using Content-Based Help
- Supporting -Whatif and –Confirm
- Using Cmdlets and Microsoft .NET Framework in Windows PowerShell
- Running Windows PowerShell Commands
- Using Microsoft .NET Framework in Windows PowerShell
- Understanding Controller Scripts
- Writing Controller Scripts
- Writing Controller Scripts that Show a User Interface
- Writing Controller Scripts That Produce Reports
- Understanding Error Handling
- Handling Errors in a Script
- Using XML Data Files
- Reading, Manipulating and Writing Data in XML
- Understanding Desired State Configuration
- Managing Server Configurations by Using Desired State Configuration
- Creating and Deploying a DSC Configuration
- Debugging in Windows PowerShell
- Analyzing and Debugging and Existing Script
- Understanding Windows PowerShell Workflow
más info en: http://ulearn.edu.uy/10962-advanced-automated-administration-with-windows-powershell/
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