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Accelerate UK – London Tech Week Edition


If you are a tech-based company from Argentina or Uruguay and are looking to internationalize, Accelerate UK is for you. Pitch and win a chance to join London Tech Week 2022!
Tiempo de lectura: 2 minutos

Selected companies will be able to access a personalized virtual workshop to sharpen their pitch and get feedback from top international experts.

The top five companies will be invited to an in-presence event to pitch their product or service to seasoned Latin American investors and Venture Capital funds. This is your chance to meet and be seen by relevant actors in the ecosystem!

The winner will receive a ticket to attend London Tech Week 2022, the most important Technology Week in the UK with dozens of events and industry leaders.


Programme Stages

1. Eligibility criteria
Startups and Scaleups based in Argentina or Uruguay that provide a tech-based solution for an international market and that are ready to internationalize to the UK.

2. Application
Fill in the application form with the information required by February 13th. Your application will be evaluated and if selected you’ll receive an acceptance email with further details.

3. Top companies: Sharpen your Pitch Workshop
The top startups and scaleups will participate of a virtual workshop to improve your pitch, especially targeting international/global investors. The workshop will be led by Birmingham Enterprise Community, a UK based accelerator with strong connections to the local ecosystem.

4.Top 5: Pitch Day
The top 5 startups and scaleups will be invited to a live Demo Day to pitch their solution to seasoned Latin American Investors and Venture Capital funds.

Key dates

Applications close: February 13th
Confirmation to top selected companies: February 21st
Workshop: February 28th and March 1st
Pitch Day: March 21st

More information


Apply here

