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Select USA Regional Pitching Competition


Tech startup founders from Uruguay are invited to the Southern Cone regional pitching sesion, which will be held virtually via Microsoft Teams on April 27th.
Tiempo de lectura: < 1 minuto

2 startups will be selected to represent Uruguay and compete with startups from Argentina, Chile and Paraguay.

The top startup from each participating market will receive a full registration ticket to attend the 2022 SelectUSA Tech Investment Summit and an invitation to participate in the full Western Hemisphere pitching session there, where they will have the opportunity to pitch in front of a panel of 3-4 judges, including venture capitalists, corporate investors, representatives from startup ecosystems, and industry experts.

Eligibility Criteria:
Each startup must be:

  • Less than 10 years old (founded on or after January 1, 2012)
  • Up to $10 million annual revenue
  • Less than 40 total employees
  • Developing a new technology product or service or delivering an existing technology in new ways
  • Planning to expand to the U.S. within the next 2-3 years


  • March 28th: Registration open
  • April 4th: Registration closed and the two selected companies will be contacted during the following days
  • April 19th: Each company should submit their pitching presentations
  • April 27th: Regional Pitch Session (Virtual)
  • June 26th-29th: Select USA Investment Summit (Hybrid)

If you are interested, please complete the following form before April 4th:

Registration form